venerdì, marzo 13, 2009


Ultimamente ho come la sensazione di stare fluttuando. E' una continua sensazione di "sospensione". Come se il tempo si fosse fermato, come se tutto il mondo andasse avanti ma io no. Del resto il "tempismo" non è mai stata la mia qualità principale, ma questo è un altro discorso.
Ho sentito alla radio una canzone che non sentivo da tantissimo e che non mi ricordavo neanche più esistesse .... mi piacque... e forse è un modo per reinserirsi nel "normale" fluire del tempo...

There's a pain that sleeps inside
It sleeps with just one eye
And awakens the moment that you leave
Though I try to look away
The pain it still remains
Only leaving when you're next to me

Do you know, that everytime you're near
Everybody else seems far away
So can you come and make them disappear
Make them disappear and we can stay

So I stand and look around
Distracted by the sounds
Of everyone and everything I see
And I search through every face
Without a single trace, of the person
The person that I need

Do you know, that everytime you're near
Everybody else seems far away
So can you come and make them disappear
Make them disappear and we can stay

Can you make them disappear?
Make them disappear

There's a pain that sleeps inside
Sleeps with just one eye
And awakens, the moment that you leave
And I search through every face
Without a single trace, of the person
The person that I need

Do you know, that everytime you're near
Everybody else seems far away
So can you come and make them disappear
Make them disappear and we can stay

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